Release Notes

HSE Connect Support Updated by HSE Connect Support

May 2024


  • Checklists now send on the date specified by the UI `Next Date to Send`
  • Manually sending a daily checklist no longer skips the following day


  • Existing trainings with incorrect date formats are updated to reflect the expected date format
  • Email addresses with special characters are disallowed to prevent errors in training uploads
  • Trainings can only be completed when all single-answer questions are completed


  • Client field now populating on CSV Full Report
  • Radio buttons on Users Reports now highlighting

HSE Connect Mobile Fixes

  • Risks/Good Jobs preview image issue fixed
  • Form fields that were not visible to input data are fixed
  • Delete confirmation message now includes the equipment name
  • File formats are all viewable now on Android phones
  • The screen no longer pauses after selecting "Take Photo", "Take Video" or "Select from gallery"
  • Upload Photos/Docs options now work as expected

User Management

  • Unable to create administrators issue fixed

Risks/Good Job

  • Equipment field now visible on Risk PDF Export


  • Notification pagination issue fixed

March 2024


  • Duplicated checklist responses resolved
  • Checklists can't be deleted if set to a 2-yearly Repeatable Date issue resolved


  • Equipment, ACC Number, First Day Off and Clear To Return To Work now populate in PDF
  • Create Equipment and View Equipment button now work as expected

December 2023


  • Overdue trainings are removed from the user report once the user start date is moved forward of the overdue training date
  • Expired and overdue trainings are displaying as overdue as expected
  • Users for Training is displaying if the users are assigned to a training
  • The user selector dropdown box is now displaying the user names correctly


  • Due Date format is now displaying as expected


  • URL path redirects back to the dashboard for Contractor, Worker, and Visitor roles
  • Files being uploaded to user profiles are now being retained

November 2023

Security and Password Management

  • Added password requirement when creating HSE Managers


  • Admin trainings and their associated files are created and accessible from companies with no departments selected


  • CSV Reports are now generating as expected

January 2023

Updated Email Templates

  • Refreshed email styling to address the amount of undelivered emails and emails being delivered to spam
  • New deep links within emails provide easy navigation to relevant content

Security and Password Management

  • Added new validation requirements when setting a password
  1. Passwords must be 8 characters in length
  2. Passwords must not have been previously exposed in a breach
  3. Passwords must not be the same as most recent password
  • HSE Managers can request a password reset for a user in their company
  • Users now have 10 login attempts before being locked out for 1 hour


  • Added new CSV (Incident, Risk & User) and Excel report generation for Admins
  • User reports now show register items and showing expired documents
  • Updated the user report to include start dates
  • Updated the training report to show training type


  • Push notifications now use deeplinks on web and mobile
  • Added new induction reminder notifications
  • Added new Training reminder notifications, sent day before training is due
  • Users from disabled companies will no longer receive notifications


  • Added the option to have perpetual checklists that do not expire
  • Admins can now send checklists to company(s) they manage
  • Changed deleting checklists to Archiving checklists

User Management

  • Added the ability for Admins to change a user's main company
  • Added the "Previous Trainings" section to users who have had their company changed

Risks and Incidents

  • Added the ability to create a Risk from an Incident.
  • Linked risks and incidents

HSE Connect Mobile Fixes

  • Users on some devices could not upload attachments
  • Users on some devices could not download attachments
  • Mobile status bar displaying incorrectly when device was in dark mode
  • Users on iOS devices did not have some components render correctly


  • Updated "Toolbox Talk" on the dashboard to "Standard Operating Procedure"
  • Users that were added to a department did not receive checklists assigned to that department
  • Users were unable to see trainings that were assigned to them
  • Users were shown the incorrect number of due trainings
  • Admins were unable to see all incident pages when impersonating company
  • HSE Managers were shown the reduced worker view of an incident

August 2022

Equipment Register

  • New Feature: Supporting feature documentation available here
  • New Equipment List with Create/Edit
  • Equipment field on Incidents and Risks changed from a text entry field to a dropdown
  • Linked Incident and Hazard Lists available when editing an equipment


  • Update: Incident Tab Availability for Workers
  • Manager field changed to a dropdown that pulls from the current company list
  • Tooltips added to each incident type explaining what they are
  • ACC Number added as a field to the People Involved tab
  • First Day Off and Clear To Return fields added as a calendar dropdown to the People Involved tab
  • Added 2 new accident types: Threatening Behavior and Wellbeing


  • Mobile and email notifications added for new training and training expiry reminders

User Interface and User Experience Redesign

  • New tabs added for Unresolved and Resolved risks under Risks/Good Job
  • New menu added to toolbar for Company Settings
  • Removing broken mobile links
  • Reordered modules on user create/edit page
  • Fixed profile picture uploader to display photo properly


  • Removed Maintenance Register
  • Fixed issue on mobile where the navigation bar was hidden on certain pages
  • Added single selection required questions to the training and meetings form

How did we do?
