How to Create an Incident

HSE Connect Support Updated by HSE Connect Support

How to Create an Incident

  1. Navigate to the Incidents Tab
  2. Click New Incident
  3. Fill out Basic Details

Basic Details Tab

Subject: Brief description of the incident.

Incident Date: Date when the incident occured.

Time: Select from the dropdown the time when the incident occured. (For Worker's view only)

Shift: Day Shift, Mid Shift or Night Shift

Site: Select from the dropdown the site where the incident occured.

Department/Station: From the dropdown list, pick the department where the event occurred.

Manager: Select the department manager from the dropdown list.

Brief Summary: Provide a brief explanation of what happened.

Incident Type: Select the relevant radio button for the occurence.

  1. Fill out More Details
More Details Tab

Activity: Task of the employee when the incident occured.

Related Incident: Any similar occurrence.

Equipment: Select from the dropdown the equipment the employee was operating when the incident occured.

Who / What / Where / How / Why: More descriptive details of the incident.

Notifiable Events: If incident is a notifiable injury/death to Worksafe NZ.

  1. Fill out People and Responses
People and Responses Tab

People Involved

Connection: Involvement in the incident.

Name: Name of the involved party.

ACC Number: ACC number if available.

Contact Details: Contact information of the involved party.

Comment: Any details that can be added about the involved party.

First Day Off: Fill out if necessary.

Clear To Return To Work: Fill out if necessary.


Action Required: Steps needed to be done.

Who: Name of the respondent.

When: Time of the response.

  1. Fill out Injury Details

Injury Details Tab

Injury Details

Injured Person: Name of the injured employee.

Job type: Job role of the injured person.

Hours worked prior to injury: How much company time was utilized prior to the injury.

Time of day: Select the relevant radio button for the time of day.


Hover on the image and click the location of the injury. Provide a short comment.

  1. Proceed to Photos/Comments/Docs
Photos/Comments/Docs Tab

Photos/Docs: Upload photos or documents related to the incident.

Comments: Provide a brief description of the uploaded photos or documents.

  1. When done click Save Incident. If incident is already resolved, click Finalise Incident (Not available for Worker role).

Workers have a different experience capturing new Incidents in HSE Connect. Click here for details.

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